Pet-Friendly Plants for You to Grow in The Garden

There are so many beauties just waiting to impress

Our furry little friends will always be a priority in our lives.

When planning out your exciting new garden display, filled with beautiful flowers and exotic plants, keep in mind that some varieties are better for our pets than others.

If there’s a chance your adorable dog or cat may get to your plants, put in some time to research the varieties first and inform yourself on any health implications certain plants could cause to your pets.

Thankfully, there are plenty of floral beauties that are particularly pet-friendly and may even provide some health benefits.


One fantastic plant that will benefit your pets is lavender, as it is known to provide a strong calming sense, particularly in dogs.

Highly fragrant and beautifully coloured, lavender is a true treat and mild exposure can help reduce anxiety, depression, or stress in a pooch.

This is not only good for the domesticated animals in our lives, but buzzing garden guests as well.

For example, the English Lavender ‘Hidcote’ has even been awarded the RHS Perfect Pollinators award, owing to its overall benefits and attractiveness to bees and butterflies.


Check out the ingredients list on tins and pouches of dog food, and we are sure you will spot rosemary, as it is regularly used as a preservative.

Highly scented, even if a dog does take a bite of a planted rosemary do not fret, as it contains some of the vital vitamins they need in their diet!

A clear added benefit of growing rosemary is the incredibly satisfying garden to kitchen feeling you will get when plucking a sprig of rosemary directly from the plant to add flavour to a stew, stuffing, or marinade.

Have you taken any photos of your pets in your expertly crafted garden? Show them off here!


For our feline friends, there are a plethora of trees, shrubs and flowers that give off fantastic scents for cats to adore.

For example, the Callistemon ‘Bottlebrush’ is known as a fragrant tree that produces a slightly lemon-tinged perfume.

This will not only be adored by cats, but also all-important busy pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to ensure your garden becomes a busy haven, teeming with wildlife.

The Callistemon ‘Bottlebrush’ is an evergreen tree, so will bring year-round interest to a garden, while exploding with a firework of red coloured brush blooms in the early weeks of the summer.


Another very popular flower variety that bursts with colour each year are stocks.

Months of beautiful shades can be seen on these plants, producing a delightful scent that cats will particularly enjoy and be attracted to.

A true cottage garden favourite, this hardy annual flower produce a heavenly scent, which boasts the added benefit of being nectar-rich and bringing bees and butterflies to the garden.


Another colourful floral beauty that is planted by many for their pleasing aesthetic and remarkable scent.

However, few realise the huge bonus of planting Marigolds are their pest-repellent nature, to rid any space of ticks, fleas, aphids and more.

Many of these creatures can be harmful to pets, so the addition of Marigolds is a top idea.

What’s more, beautifully bright flowers steal the show in any floral display, with varieties, such as the Marigold Durango Mix, boasting the RHS Award of Garden Merit, owing to its beauty.

What plants are not pet-friendly?

When planting beautiful garden varieties, make sure to do your research, as all species will have a different level of toxicity and risk level when it comes to pets.

While some plants may just cause mild stomach pains when ingested, others will be more dangerous and can cause serious health implications.

According to the PDSA, a pet charity, plants that can cause serious symptoms in pets include autumn crocus, azalea/rhododendron, cordyline/dracaena, horse chestnut, oak, peace lilies and yew, among others.

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