How to Lasagne Plant Spring Bulbs

Striped tulips, a mixture of varieties Tulipa Rembrandt striped Mixed

No matter how big or small space you must work with, there’s always room for a bulb or two! Planted in pots, bulbs can make all the difference to your spring patio and there is a clever way of creating the most colourful, interesting displays – ‘Lasagne Planting’.

‘Lasagne’ planting is the term used when planting bulbs in layers, just like you would with pasta in the kitchen! Lasagne planting is perfect for creating really dense, vivid displays with lots of contrasting and complementary colours. Not only that, but by combining the bulbs, you will not only get different shapes, sizes and colours but lots of different flowering times too. You will be able to prolong the flowering period and reward yourself next year with blooms lasting for months. You could plant some daffodils to spring up in March, and some Tulips that will flower later in April and May.

The basic principle of layering bulbs up like a lasagne is just as you would expect. Plant the largest and longest flowering bulbs at the bottom, with the smallest and shortest flowering varieties at the top.

To start, cover the base of the pot with some gravel and a thick layer of compost. Then plant the first layer of bulbs. Cover the first layer with compost, then repeat the process. Repeat this 2-3 times for a lasagne that won’t taste good, but sure will look good.

YouGarden’s Top Tips For Buying Bulbs
  • Get ahead! Buy your bulbs as soon as possible so they haven’t been sat around drying out for too long. You want the newest and freshest bulbs you can get! Click Here to see our range of bulbs.
  • Check the bulbs are smooth and firm, not soft and squishy and make sure there is no obvious damage to the bulbs – especially on the flat base where the roots are. This will guarantee top quality results.
  • As you may expect, bigger bulbs produce more flowers so buy the biggest bulbs you can. Keep an eye out for the sizing in the ‘Product Information’.
  • For more advice, Click Here for out Bulb Planting guide.